What was the last thing you read? A course book? Professional literature? A detective novel?

The library challenges you to read ten books by December!

Avoin kirja.
News article


The library challenges you to read ten books by December. Printed books, e-books, audiobooks, all formats count. 
Get a reading passport from the library or print it from the link below. Record the books you’ve read in the passport. Return the fully completed passport by December 1st to any Haaga-Helia library, and you’ll be entered into a prize draw! 
The style is free—you can read whatever you fancy. And if you need an extra boost, you can use the challenge list provided.

Read a book
1. ...that you had to read for some reason.
2. ...that someone recommended to you.
3. ...that you liked so much that you recommended it to a friend.
4. ...in easy-to-read language.
5. ...with an animal in the title.
6. ...that deals with a current social issue.
7. ...that has won a literary award
8. ...of poetry or a comic book.
9. ...published in 2024.
10. ...whose author has the same first name as you.