Haaga-Helia's imagery

In Haaga-Helia communication and marketing, we use primarily Haaga-Helia’s own brand photos. The photos highlight authenticity, collaboration, modern learning environments and close cooperation with companies. In imagery, we avoid generic stock photos. You may upload photos from Haaga-Helia material bank or ask from viestinta@haaga-helia.fi. Haaga-Helia owns the rights to all photos.

Haaga-Helia's imagery combines a relaxed international atmosphere with modern learning environments. The pictures feature the real students and alumni of Haaga-Helia. Details about specific fields of study, as well as photos of campuses and partners' facilities, create impressions of Haaga-Helia's study environment and emphasise the university's close connections to the world of work.

The older target group (continuous learning, Master's degrees) is approached with photos where the models are already in working life. The photos emphasise innovation, new technologies, sparring, continuous learning, and working together. There is also an important element of identification, to give the viewer the impression that they too could study again.
