Study Psychologist Anna Pakkanen: You can influence your own mood

Anna Pakkanen, Study Psychologist at Haaga-Helia, writes about how to influence your own mood in her February Wellbeing column.

Opintopsykologi Anna Pakkanen
News article


You can influence your own mood. There is ample evidence that physical activity in any form is super beneficial for all of us. Physical activity boosts mood, making it an easy and cost-free way to impact your well-being instantly. In the daily life of a student, sitting for extended periods is common. Both short-term and long-term effects on mood result from movement and exercise, so it would be wonderful if each of us had our own enjoyable way to stay active.

Stress is unavoidable

Exciting, surprising, and challenging situations arise for everyone along the path of life. Stress is a part of everyone's life from time to time. However, we can take care of ourselves so that we can handle life's ups and downs. Exercise produces endorphins, reducing stress levels and lifting mood. Many feel less stressed during physical activity, and it may be easier to relax afterwards.

Sleep and recovery are important

Sleep and recovery are prerequisites for maintaining study capacity and enjoying life. Exercise also affects sleep, bedtime, and promotes recovery. Quality sleep improves, and well-rested individuals tend to see things more positively. Sleep is essential for learning as well. Sleeping allows the brain to relax, and memory traces can form. Those who exercise often feel more energetic during the day, making it easier to focus on learning. Recovery, both mentally and physically, is more than just lying down and resting. Taking a short break during the day can calm the body.

Getting started is not always easy

For some, getting active comes naturally and easily. However, for most, starting to move can be a struggle, and the joy of exercise may be lost or hidden. It's good to think about what type of exercise is enjoyable for oneself. Would it be time to try a new sport or way of moving? Of course, you can also exercise at home in various ways. However, for many, home workouts are neglected. Starting is easier when you have agreed to exercise with someone else. After a tiring day, the temptation of one's own sofa is strong, and sometimes, the sofa is the right place to rest and relax. Instead of resting, it's worth getting active sometimes. Also, notice what you already do in your daily life. Everyday activities, from cleaning to grocery shopping and walking the dog, count. Arriving on campus can also get you moving in a different way than opening your laptop at home. Respecting yourself means taking care of your body through movement. Additionally, your mood will lift!

The days are getting longer, and spring is approaching. How can you increase movement in your daily life? Let's enjoy the unique nature, fresh air, sweat drops, and breathlessness, and if possible, the company of new or old friends. I wish you joy in your studies and a good mood after exercising.

Anna Pakkanen, Study Psychologist

P.S. As a student, you have the opportunity to use the affordable Zone sports services designed for university students. If you need help getting started, there are also services provided by the Finnish Student Health Service for the degree students. If you have concerns related to your studies, it's definitely worth contacting Haaga-Helia's own well-being professionals, such as study psychologists, study coaches, or the university chaplain, to discuss how you can get started in your studies in a way that suits you.