Marianne Kukko has been appointed as Director of the School of Vocational Teacher Education

Marianne Kukko starts as Director of the School of Vocational Teacher Education on 7 August. Kukko has long experience in management, development, expert and coaching positions in educational organisations.

Marianne Kukko on nimitetty Ammatillisen opettajakorkeakoulun johtajaksi Haaga-Heliaan
News article


Marianne Kukko, who will take over as Director of the School of Vocational Teacher Education in August, has worked for about 20 years in various management and expert-level positions in higher education and training. As director of the Tampere3 reform, she was involved in building a new kind of higher education community of a university of applied sciences and two universities.

Most recently, Kukko has worked as a CEO, consultant, trainer and coach for the consulting company Lygge in the areas of organisational development, leadership, change management and self-management. Kukko holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Management and a Master of Science.

At Haaga-Helia, Kukko will develop the activities and increase the impact of the School of Vocational Teacher Education. According to Kukko, Haaga-Helia has done an excellent job at the School of Vocational Teacher Education, and she thanks the retiring long-term Director of Vocational Teacher Education, Jari Laukia, and the whole team for that.

– Haaga-Helia is a strong player with a long and distinguished history. Haaga-Helia has always conveyed a good spirit of doing. The School of Vocational Teacher Education has an impact and has even greater potential to influence the quality and development of learning and teaching in society at large, Kukko says.

In the future, focus will be on developing digital pedagogy and Haaga-Helia's own teaching. Kukko believes that the need for continuous learning will continue to grow in different organisations. She sees an opportunity for Haaga-Helia to partner with organisations to support the development of learning capacity.

–  Digitalisation has become a part of our everyday lives. It creates a lot of opportunities – developing digital pedagogy allows for more diverse ways of learning and accessibility, as long as learning and diverse learners are kept at the centre. A positive curiosity and a willingness to learn are important, Kukko thinks.

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